By Mercyhealth
Chronic sleep problems affect 40 million Americans and have a big impact on the health and wellbeing of lives. Insufficient sleep has been linked to medical conditions including obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
Insufficient sleep is associated with a number of chronic diseases and conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, obesity and depression, that can threaten your health. Insufficient sleep is also responsible for motor vehicle- and machinery-related crashes, causing substantial injury and disability. Drowsy driving can be as dangerous—and preventable—as driving while intoxicated.
Getting enough sleep is not a luxury—it is a necessity—and should be thought of as a vital sign to good health.
You may suffer from a sleep disorder if:
• You frequently have difficulty sleeping (for example, trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or getting back to sleep, or feeling unrefreshed after sleep)
• You snore loudly or you or others have observed that you stop breathing or gasp for breath during sleep
• During the day, you are excessively sleepy, you have morning headaches, or are irritable
• You have unpleasant, tingling, creeping feelings or nervousness in your legs when trying to sleep
If you have any of these problems, talk to your doctor. In the meantime, keep a sleep diary of your daytime and nighttime symptoms to share with your provider. If needed, your provider will refer you to one of our expert sleep specialists for an in-depth evaluation.
Common sleep disorders and associated symptoms:
• Insomnia – Difficulty falling or staying asleep. There can be a number of factors that can lead to this. Some factors include depression, anxiety, stress, heath conditions, medications, pets and environmental changes.
• Sleep apnea – Apnea means “without breath.” Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type of apnea and occurs when an individual has repeated brief, temporary (10 to 120 seconds in length) narrowing or closures of the upper airway with decreases or pauses of breathing (hypopneas or apneas) during sleep. This is a medical condition that can cause frequent awakenings during the night that the individual is not even aware of. Symptoms include snoring, gasping, snorting, moaning, changes in weight, restless sleep, anxiety, depression, irritability, sexual problems and morning headaches.
• Restless leg syndrome – Aching or a tingling sensation in the legs or arms causing frequent movement. It can cause insomnia, disruptive sleep and daytime sleepiness.
• Narcolepsy – Disorder of the central nervous system that causes excessive daytime sleepiness. Narcolepsy can also cause cataplexy, sleep paralysis, or hallucinations.
If you think you may have one of these sleep disorders, talk to your doctor.